The message couldn’t not be sent via the Notification Manager! Successfully sent the message. Successfully sent the folder. Unrecognized command from LANsurveyor! Couldn’t create folder on remote node! Remote node's disk is full! User cancelled file transfer. Had trouble reading from start of file! Had trouble sending logical EOF to remote node! Remote node failed to respond! Had trouble sending fork information to remote node! Had trouble opening file to send! Remote node had trouble writing fork data to file! Remote node had trouble reading fork data from network! Remote node had trouble reading data size from network! Remote node had trouble setting file position! Remote node had trouble setting logical EOF! Remote node had trouble reading logical EOF from the network! Couldn't set file attributes on remote node! Remote node had trouble reading file attribute information from the network! Remote node couldn't open the resource fork! Remote node couldn't open the data fork! Remote node had trouble reading fork information from the network! Couldn't rename a duplicate trash file! Couldn't locate remote node's trash to put duplicate file! Couldn't create file on remote node! Had trouble reading file to send! Couldn't move a duplicate file to the trash! Successfully sent the file. Couldn't create destination file! Couldn't find destination folder! No password necessary for the local node! Successfully changed the password. This node does not have the capability to complete LANsurveyor's request. The Neon Responder had a problem reading additional data from LANsurveyor. Password doesn't match Neon Responder password. Couldn't find application to launch. The Finder failed to launch the application. Successfully launched the application. Successfully synchronized the clock. Successfully arranged to restart. Successfully arranged to shut down. Successfully quit the selected process. Couldn't create AppleEvent necessary to quit the process. Couldn't create AppleEvent description necessary to quit the process. Couldn't create AppleEvent necessary to quit the process. Got a request that the Finder will not understand! Couldn't create AppleEvent description necessary to shutdown or restart. This node does not support AppleEvents. AppleEvents are required to shutdown or restart.